The Real Janet Horne
Facts are scarce about her! In fact, Janet Horne may not have been her name at all. Many people who were accused of witchcraft were referred to as Janet or Jenny Horne.
She did have a daughter with deformed hands and feet. This was caused by a genetic defect but led people to believe that it was the work of the Devil. During Janet's case, it was suggested that Helen's hands and feet were deformed like hooves so that Janet could ride Helen like a horse to the moon to meet with the devil.
Both Janet and her daughter were arrested and accused of witchcraft. Helen escaped but Janet was tarred and feathered before being burnt alive.

This is a photo from the 1900s of the location where Janet was burned. It can still be seen in Littletown today. However, the year on the gravestone is incorrectly reported as 1722 instead of 1727.